Mold removal services

Excessive indoor moisture often leads to mold infestations, which cause allergic reactions, irritation, and respiratory issues for some people. The key to preventing mold is limiting moisture; however, if you have mold contamination, ACM Removal provides residential and commercial services to remediate and remove mold. Our professional work is accomplished using industry-standard, EPA-approved protocols to ensure that your project is completed safely and efficiently.
Count on ACM Removal for quick turnaround on site visits, proposals, and professional work.
Our mold remediation process
Review inspection report and site (as needed) – We determine the extent of remediation required and prepare your remediation proposal promptly. First, consistent with the ANSI/IICRC Standards for Mold Remediation, we review the mold inspection report. Then, we typically visit the site, and provide you with a remediation proposal.
Removal and-or remediation of mold – We use proven work processes to ensure work is completed safely, including isolating the work area and using a negative air pressure system to prevent contaminated in adjacent spaces.

Disposal – All waste material is bagged or wrapped to prevent cross-contamination, removed from the site, and disposed of in accordance with regulations.
Assurance – If verification is required, ACM Removal will arrange an independent third-party inspection to ensure the mold contamination has been eradicated and the area can be safely reoccupied.
Contact us now.
Let ACM Removal remediate any mold contamination affecting your home or business.